![]() What I would like to emphasize is each so called qualitative change, for example the transition of water into ice, or steam into water, is actually a cumulative quantitative change; that is, a quantitative change taking place quickly over a short period of time. So there are no qualitative changes, only quantitative ones. (the above paragraph is from year 2008) 2. Let us assume an existence of homogenous formation space-time-matter, shortly STM. Illustrative formula but not mathematical: STM = S + TM = T + SM = M + ST [spacetimematter = space + timematter = time + spacematter = matter + spacetime] M + ST is concerning macroscopic conditions. If - M, + ST matter loses then spacetime profit, it is distance - perspective, objects decrease with distance - ordinary contraction. If + M, - ST matter profit then spacetime loses, it is bringing closer - perspective, objects increase in progress of bringing closer - ordinary dilatation. S + TM is concerning microscopic conditions. If - TM, + S timematter loses then space profit, it leads to waves and fields. If - S, + TM space loses then timematter profit, it leads to particles. (the above paragraph is from year 2011) 3. Galactical model of subquark particles. Electrons, quarks and gluons possess internal structure, consist of quadrillion of particles of size about 10^-35 m [they correspond with photons], these then from quadrillion of particles about 10^-50 m [they correspond with gravitons]. To confirm legitimacy of assuming of hypothesis of internal structure of smallest from hitherto known structural subatomic particles as electrons, quarks and gluons it can be invoked the theory of science created by A.Comte (see after text Comte's Theory of Science). A more careful analysis of the galactical model leads to the conclusion that there are more types of particles of the right type. Types of stars, by supergiants, giants, dwarfs, all the way to the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy would correspond to the types of these particles. Cosmical model analysis leads to similar conclusions, where the types of particles would correspond to the appropriate types of galaxies. In addition, it can be assumed that there are types of photon-like particles and corresponding waves with significantly higher speeds than the speed of light. So there are non-electromagnetic waves far above the speed of light (the above part of this paragraph is from year 2019). Particles much faster than photons are related to the cosmical model and sizes in the order of 10^-50 m. One can imagine building devices equipped with antennas for superelectromagnetic communication. The speed of such communication would be enormous, for example, communication with a base on Pluto could take less than a second. Main particle from the galactical model will correspond to a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. Perhaps quarks are made of such particles. One can also consider the hypothesis that these particles are micro black holes that have ended their lives as particles, by evaporating. These evaporating micro black holes can produce all the particles from the galactical model (compare stars in the galaxy). The only issue is that these particles can also be building blocks of, for example, quarks. The bonds of particles from the galactic model and higher models are probably - like quark-gluon bonds - indecomposable. All particles from the galactical model are somehow related to the main particle of the model, which is related to the rotation of the galaxy where the center is a supermassive black hole (black star). There are three types of galaxies, spiral, elliptical and irregular, just as there are three kinds of particles, electrons, quarks and gluons. The largest particles in the galactic model would correspond to hypergiant stars (the above part of this paragraph is from year 2023). 4. I assume that God exists. He resides over space where there would be a higher vacuum (vacuum above the cosmic vacuum) and also in space. Solar God's being consists of two components, one is the Sun on a spiritual level and this component resides in spacetime, the other component is a being beyond spacetime. Beyond spacetime God's being resides on the planet. If God currently has an incarnation then we can speak of three components. Christ was one of incarnations of God. There were more such incarnations-avatars than accepted in the Vishnu religion, which mentions only ten avatars. There were probably several dozen of them. It dates back to the appearance of Cro-Magnon Man, approximately 40,000 years ago. Of course, we can assume that there were also incarnations in earlier hominid forms, and there were many of them. Christ is an incarnation of a spiritual being of the solar system, primarily the Sun, and can also be called the Sun God (let us recall the Egyptian religion). Although Christ was only one of the incarnations of God, he is the last, tenth avatar of Vishnu, but I believe that he was not the last avatar and that there will be more. Above the being of Christ dwells the being of the lower Father, which encompasses the galaxy. Above the being of the lower Father dwells the being of the Father called also the Holy Ghost, which encompasses the cosmos. As for the cult of the Virgin Mary, it is false. Mary actually migrated after Christ in subsequent human incarnations and will continue to migrate. Therefore, among other things, Marian sanctuaries are unnecessary. I will also add that the concept of the Apocalypse presented in the New Testament is fiction. Instead of Marian sanctuaries, sanctuaries of God the Father should be built. About ultramodern architecture. You can also simply build churches in honor of the Father, although currently there are Fatherly temples, namely synagogues and mosques. However, the portrayal of the Father as strict and threatening, as in Judaism and Islam, is not correct. The father is actually friendly and gentle. I would also like to point out that Christ may have an incarnation on our planet, the lower Father an incarnation in some form in the galaxy and the Father an incarnation in some form in cosmos. 5. Theory of everything (TOE). Two theories which modern physics is based on is the general theory of relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM). GR refers to great phenomena in cosmic scales, where gravity works. QM refers to phenomena in microscale, relates to particles and interactions. Years of research have shown that these two theories work well in experiments. On the other hand they are incompatible with each other. This inconsistency is revealed in very much small scale, Planck scale. To solve it, one should discover the theory showing a deeper reality, it will be the TOE (Theory of everything), explaining all phenomena in the universe. In the first generation of particles (see paragraph 4), space changes state and creates matter. These particles are actually made of space, only space in an altered state. Gravitons are made of space. This space in the case of gravitons is in an altered state (this also applies to particles at a level close to the level of gravitons that build matter). Gravitons are bulges of space. Due to the curvature of space, they acquire an attractive charge. These are the basics of Quantum Gravity (the above part of this paragraph is from year 2023). The TOE, it will be a concept where space creates matter. And more specifically the square microgrid of space, 10^-80 m in size creates matter by twisting (more precisely, it creates the smallest particles by twisting, and these combine into larger particles). This is similar to computer simulations from 1980's of XX century, where the simulation grids gave images of three-dimensional objects. This microgrid is like a mental simulation, and in a some degree it is. The basis for matter is square microgrid of space sizes in the order of 10^-80 m. So matter is made of space. (the above part of this paragraph is from years 2019 and 2024). The concept of a square microgrid of space is compatible with the holographic concept, as this microgrid probably exists in two dimensions. Gravity would be the concave bending of this microgrid (see diagram 4), under the influence of its accumulation in the form of matter which it creates by twisting. Gravitons are formed directly from this microgrid, and through its concavity they acquire an attractive charge. Gravitons are bulges of the considered microgrid. Other particles from a level close to the level of gravitons hang from the considered microgrid as if on a string. ![]() In my early twenties, I observed a square microgrid of space through quasiparanormal perception (observing animate matter at the lowest possible level). I encourage readers to observe this structure for themselves. However, the TOE I presented is incomplete, the proper theory of everything should describe God and creation (the universe), i.e. it should be a theological-natural theory. Among ancient theories, apart from atomism, we can find another one equally useful theory created by the Greek sophist Gorgias who lived in the 5th century BC, which turns out to be helpful in searching for the TOE. In the work On Non-Existence we can find the first thesis of this theory: nothing exists. This concept may seem correct from the point of view of the theory of space as a basis, this nothingness of Gorgias would be the emptiness of space, the vacuum. So nothingness could be understood as a vacuum. This is a weaker version of the concept of nothingness. A stronger version would assume true nothingness as a basis, but in this respect the role of God should be preferred. The symbol of matter is a ball (circle). Let's take planets, stars, atoms and particles. The square shape of the microgrid follows from the order of geometric forms, one of the basic geometric forms is the square. Reduction of all processes to basic geometric forms can be justified. Above the microgrid, i.e. space-time, or rather spacetimematter, there is a sphere of simple, ideal geometric forms (this concept resembles the Platonic doctrine, except that it does not contain abstract ideas). All phenomena can be reduced to geometry. (year 2023) 6. Solving the puzzle of wave-particle duality, solution of this problem. The proposed model, interference, assumes that particles are created by interference of waves (see diagram, crossing waves). ![]() The above explanation to the wave-particle duality mystery is consistent with my original condensation model, where the vacuum condenses into fields, fields into waves, and waves into particles. Just as we have three or rather four states of matter: vacuum, gas, liquid, solid. The condensation model corresponds to these basic states of matter. So, for example, particles are just a condensed form of vacuum (space), which is consistent with my previously presented results (see paragraph 5. Theory of everything (TOE)). So we have a unified explanation of both TOE and wave-particle duality based on the notion of vacuum (space) as a basis. In both cases we are dealing with a condensation of space. 7. Cosmical modeling can refer to idealism and materialism. In the geocentric model, matter has a significant advantage over mind. The sun next to the Earth in this model has some significance. This model corresponds to materialism and realism with the addition of idealism. And in the heliocentric model, mind has a significant advantage over matter. A big advantage, because the Earth plays a certain, albeit small, role in this model. The Bishop G.Berkeley system, which was a Copernican revolution in philosophy and the greatest philosophical system of all times, is not fully compatible with the heliocentric model because it does not take into account the Earth orbiting the Sun. The heliocentric model corresponds to idealism with a slight admixture of materialism and realism, where the Sun represents the subject and the Earth the object. The heliocentric model is subordinate to the Galactic Model 2 (other than the model presented in paragraph 3), in which all the stars in the galaxy (subjects) orbit a supermassive black hole and accreation disc at the center of the galaxy. Galactic Model 2 corresponds to the idealism, where dominant is God the Father (accretion disc, creator of cosmoses) and cosmical space (black hole) who contains the primeval singularity of the cosmos (singularity inside the black hole). It seems that the best solution to the materialism-idealism and realism-idealism problem is adoption of all three models, geocentric, heliocentric and galactic model 2 in my new positions of ideomaterialism and ideorealism. In the position of ideomaterialism, I assume a balance between mind and matter. They share reality in half. In the position of ideorealism, I assume a between mental existence and mentally independent existence. They share reality in half. The eternal dispute between idealism and realism finds a solution in the synthesis of these positions, which is my ideomaterialism and ideorealism. Microscopic phenomena are mental-material phenomena. But mind has a great advantage over matter in them. They are in some degree mental processes and therefore depend on the mind of the observer, as suggested by quantum mechanics. It is worth noting that the concept of matter should be revised. The smallest particles are formed directly from space (a square microgrid of space of the order of 10^-80 m) then combine to form heavier matter. So matter is essentially space. My theory of ideomaterialism and ideorealism is to some extent related to the concepts of Comte and Mach, who also sought a third way to idealism and materialism. God's consciousness influenced the formation of reality in the act of creating the universe. Hence the shape of the spatial microgrid resembling a computer simulation from the 1980s. The universe is an extension of the divine body and as such has a real existence, but it is saturated with God's consciousness. Hence, the processes taking place in cosmos are, to some extent, processes of consciousness. Thus, reality has both a real and mental nature. Reality is simultaneously saturated with consciousness and real, material, i.e. spatial, formed from space (because matter is actually condensed space). The microgrid of space has the shape of a simulation because it was created in a conscious act (the act of creation of the cosmos) and this gave it a certain form. Galactic model 2 would confirm the validity of the concept of conscious creation, creation through consciousness - an accretion disk above a black hole (black star) which occurs in the first phase and then disappears. So after creation the universe maintains itself. But below the galactic model we have the heliocentric model, and below it the geocentric model. The heliocentric model seems to be a superior model to the geocentric model, hence the most applicable in the case of ideomaterialism would be the division in the golden ratio of 0.618 mind to 0.382 matter (of course in this way I introduce a correction to the earlier division of 50/50). (the above paragraph is from years 2023 and 2024) 8. ![]() ![]() Demons and ghouls in the afterlife world and sometimes in the dream state are people or animals changed by the specific conditions of the so called hell areas (nightmare areas). It is possible to build cameras to observe the subtle world of levels I and II. One can imagine also constructing lamps with the appropriate ultraviolet frequency to energize individual chakras, for example the frontal chakra. In the latter case, it would be the equivalent of navy blue, indigo visible light, as "light" in ultraviolet. An example of such a lamp, constructed on principles other than the proposed electrical device, can be found on diagram 7. What is in fact schizophrenia ? Is Schizophrenia a serious disease as it is usually taken ? Or is schizophrenia the influence of a demon or demons ? Well, the secret is that schizophrenia is just a game of mind as it takes place between Pneuma-Idealith and Soma. The voice heard in schizophrenia is the voice of Pneuma-Idealith, while the other voices are those of other Pneumas-Idealiths. One can believe or not into theory of reincarnation, but for my money this is one from religious conceptions which is valid - of course after certain and pretty thorough corrections, for example conception of karma is in big degree a superstition. As I have said the law of karma is largely a superstition. The concept of reincarnation itself seems useful after the appropriate revising. The next incarnations resemble the earlier ones, memory plays a major role here. Essentially, sex is a permanent feature of subsequent incarnations. Man does not incarnate in the form of insects, animals or plants, but retains species affiliation. What is called enlightenment is a mere illusion (although some form of enlightenment is possible), an escape from subsequent incarnations, or freeing yourself from the cycle of birth and death, is a mistake. Subsequent incarnations are beneficial and are associated with the process of evolution, so gradual development and improvement. At this point I would also like to mention the theosophical concept. Well, theosophy consists mainly of lies. The existence of a great white brotherhood, hidden masters, discipleship, stream, spiritual cherarchy, etc. are all fictions. If you ever happen to hear a psychic voice, you need to know that it is the voice of your higher spiritual self and not the voice of a demon or astral being. Above the spiritual planes dwells the being of God the Father. ![]() For example, General Relativity found confirmation in the Mercury orbit anomalies that Newton's theory could not explain. This confirmation is treated as proof of the validity of the theory. Of course, you can give more examples. Knowledge is inherently uncertain, as the ancient skeptics have already demonstrated. Therefore, science must use invalid inferences. Induction inferences is one of the basic types of inference of empirical sciences. These are uncertain inferences. Deductive inferences belong to the field of formal sciences such as mathematics and logic. On the basis of empirical science, the use of deduction is not meaningfully possible. By the way, ancient skeptics have also undermined the credibility of the deduction. Popper's falsificationism is a delusion of deductive certainty. We use scientific theories, but please remember that they are subject to uncertainty and you may raise some doubts about them. 10. Solipsism assumes that there is only me, and all reality along with other subjects is only my imagination. Solipsism is more consistent than the positions of Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley assumes that observable things and phenomena are only systems of impressions, because only impressions are directly accessible to us, and assuming the existence of non mental matter is unauthorized speculation. Independence and order as well as existence beyond the perception of things and phenomena observed Berkeley justifies that they are perceived by God. Berkeley accepts the existence of other subjects, which seems unjustified, a more consistent position is solipsism, which in some formulation may formulate the thesis that the things and phenomena observed are only systems of my private impressions, including other subjects. So since we accept the existence of other subjects, then on this basis we have the full right to accept existence beyond the mental reality. This argument is the strongest argument against Berkeley's theory, let me call it an argument from solipsism. 11. Mainly rubbish fills present physics, for example - cosmical branes giving beginning to big bang and creating other universes, multidimensionality, strings existing in 10 dimensions, string theory, microbubbles, hyperspace and so on. They are products of exuberant speculation completely detached from reality. We need to get out of the nonsense of current physics. 12. Induction would provide knowledge about the future, as would all scientific prediction. However, any transfer of the past to the future is contradictory, because the future does not yet exist and is therefore non-empirical, unverifiable. Therefore, there is no reasoning that gives some knowledge, because 1. there cannot be knowledge about what is not empirical 2. there cannot be knowledge about what does not yet exist, therefore knowledge by its very nature is uncertain and if it was certain it would have to be contradictory. Still different, if certain knowledge is such knowledge that leads to the future, it can be seen that it is impossible because the future does not yet exist. Therefore, no reasoning about facts can be certain. We can't even know what will happen in a few seconds because the future does not yet exists. 13. Emitter ana 5 invented by me around the year 2004 (based on ring of Polish specialist in shape radiation K.Bullyszko). It radiates the indigo color of subtle radiation, and brings into the state of samadhi, even the shape drawn on paper works just like other radiesthetical devices (it can be a computer printout or a photocopy). Metal engraving also works well. The ana 5 emitter corresponds to the Ajna chakra. The device can be strongly enhanced by placing a transparent rock crystal (quartz crystal) in the center, on a small stand that does not go beyond the inner outline of the first ring. The device can also be placed vertically with the crystal hanging inward by a thread. I would like to note that the device probably concentrates energy on the first central ring. The emitter wheel should be facing up or north. The device radiates perpendicular to its surface. It can be worn on yourself or used with a crystal. However, Buddhist monks can block the operation of the device. First of all, Buddhist Tibetan monks from the Himalayas - from the spiritual level. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I would also like to consider another hypothesis. Christ encompasses the planetary system, so some version of astrology may apply. As for the zodiac, it wouldn't apply. The same applies to the houses of the horoscope. And the same goes for most aspects. Of the aspects, only the conjunction remains. The meanings of the planets have yet to be worked out, although some familiar interpretation could be used. The conjunction of the planets, the Sun and the Moon with the Ascendant or Medium coeli would matter. As for predictive astrology, directions and progressions do not apply. Perhaps only transits, through conjunctions, count. 22. Against claims of such philosophers as Popper atomism does not descend from metaphysical speculations. Democritus took over this view from Hindus during his travels in the east, conception of atoms existed there at the very latest about VIII century BC, and was based on paranormal perceptions of yogis - a source could be only paranormal activity, but for sure not philosophical speculation, in Europe spherical atoms appeared not before XIX century AD. 23. The basic errors of typical philosophy are rationalism and turbidity. For example, Kant seems to build a system that does not respect the principles of empiricism, and this alone means that its concept must be wrong at its very root. In addition, the writings of for example Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Kant, Heidegger seem unbearably cloudy. As for Plato's concept, the world of ideal forms probably exists, but it will not be a world of abstract ideas or numbers. These are ideal forms (idealiths) of living and intelligent organisms, plants, animals and people. As well as perhaps boulders. Plato's direction of thought may have been right, but the conclusions he drew do not correspond to reality. The world of these ideal forms is above spacetime. (year 2020) 24. I know from my own research experience that the most important concept for the entire theory of science is the process of scientific discovery. The physical model of the psychological process of discovery is the strike of lightning. Discovery is a mental flash, the manifestation of a higher intellectual process. Larger discoveries are usually a manifestation of a scientist's genius. Certain competences in the form of the knowledge accumulated by the scientist are required to be discovered. Another concept is the concept of mystery - it is a key concept for the entire cognitive process and seems to occupy a place above the rational mind, similarly magical practices properly cleansed of the burden of superstitions occupy a place above the rational mind. Mystery is everywhere. A mystery can move from the level above reason to the area of discovery and the level of reason. What hides in darkness and mystery can sometimes come to light and discovery. This darkness can be illuminated by a flash of discovery. Thus, we can distinguish two most important cognitive orders, the order of mystery and the order of discovery. So, for cogniton there are two highest and most important types, the type of mystery and the type of discovery (darkness and light). However, the mystery type is more basic. 25. Skeptics claimed that there is no sensual cognition - ten tropes of Aenesidemus, for example, the tower looks round from a distance and looks polygonal up close, and since there is no sensory cognition, there is actually no knowledge at all. And after Gorgias, the Skeptics claimed that since there is nothing, there is also no knowledge. The foundation of ancient skepticism was the theory of the sophist Gorgias. Thus, for example through Aenesidemus's ten tropes, the theory of nothingness speaks. (year 2023) Gregory Podgorniak, Poland ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks to deep and penetrating researchings I was able to establish indisputably some number of my past incarnations reaching of ancient period, these data are certain, these incarnations are: Auguste Comte (1798-1857) French philosopher and sociologist, Edme Mariotte (1620-1684) French physicist and meteorologist, Bodhidharma (5th or 6th century) buddhist patriarch, Aenesidemus (1 st century BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Arcesilaus (315-241 BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Gorgias (485-380 BC) Greek sophist. email contact: podgorniakgre@gmail.com see also my text: How to increase your IQ level ? How to improve your IQ ? map of my research |
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