Conception of new bicycles
In this place I would like also to present conception which seems to be even revolutionary:
Bicycles should have much bigger wheels than now produced -
26'' is too small also much rarer 28'' is too small.
Estimated 'easily reachable' speed of bicycle with proper wheels sizes:
26'' - 15/9 km/mi
28'' - 20/12 km/mi
30'' - 25/15 km/mi
32'' - 30/19 km/mi
34'' - 35/22 km/mi
36'' - 40/25 km/mi
38'' - 45/28 km/mi
40'' - 50/31 km/mi
as you see it isn't hard to build bike with a big 'easily reachable' speed - it is necessary only to
think a little (riding with speed 15/9 or 20/12 km/mi it is suicide, speed must be higher).
Also bicycle frame should be only low, because it is much easier to use such bicycle - in case of
bikes with 30'' wheels and more frame can be only low in other case using of bike is impossible.
Gregory Podgorniak, Poland (year 2006)
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